BBDW 28 [Black Butterfly] - Nevereverland

Section 24.2 (UNEDITED)

In an elementary school in New York, a series of events took place. Until the first death of an 11-year-old was found in the school's swimming pool, people were appalled but didn't care much. Because the kid was a frequent troublemaker and there was no sign of murder, it was treated as a common suicide case. Although a column concerned about teenage education was published in a small newspaper, it soon disappeared from people's memories.

But when the second casualty jumped off the roof of the school building about a week later, things began to change a little. That the 10-year-old child jump-offs the roof - shortly after the parents suddenly divorced - and that the two children committed suicide in school in succession was a serious scandal. Public opinion has boiled up a little, and more and more people are beginning to talk about what true education is. The lighting on education was electrifying.

Another week after that, another child came out with his father's gun at home and shot his head in the backyard of the school. People are in shock and questioned--no matter how grave the inadequacy of current education is, is it enough to be a link between the suicides of three children in a row every week in one school? It was overwhelming, and things got quiet for a moment. Struggling with how to deal with a sudden series of suicide cases, the police began their investigation based on the third incident.

When New York police entered the school assuming some malevolent motive drove them to suicide, Jude in his office was frowning, stroking his sick stomach.

"What's wrong? Does your stomach hurt?"

"...... unngghh...... It's strange, I haven't eaten anything."

"Are you sick because you haven't eaten anything?"

Tim turned to Jude anxiously, as he took back the coffee cup on his partner's desk and put it on his desk, and Jude reached out for the coffee cup wistfully, but Tim picked up the coffee cup with a stern look on his face and left it far away.

"It's worse to drink coffee on an empty stomach, have some soup for lunch later."

"......T, Tim. Cruel......."

"It's on me."

"Then I'll put up with it."

He barely smiled at Tim grinning with a face to say as if there was nobody so easy to understand, and Jude took a deep breath and touched his stomach. He didn't eat anything, so he wouldn't have been in top shape, and he thought he'd get better soon.

"Ah-I'm going crazy. I'm going crazy. I need something that comes out quickly to make it taste like an investigation, this..."

When Jude was relieved of the heavy stabbing pain, Beckman came in pushing through the police station door. He was one of the detectives in charge of this series of suicide cases, and he didn't seem very happy as he shakes his head while constantly fanning his hands. Tim, who had just had a sip of coffee, shouted cheerfully at the middle-aged detective.

"Why, Beckman? Isn't the investigation at your disposal?"

"Don't mention it, Tim. It doesn't bother me this much if it's a murder. I have to investigate children who are almost certain to commit suicide, so I don't know where to find clues. By the way, why would 10-year-olds commit suicide? I'm an old man, and I'm working my butt off here."

“Most of the task is legwork? It's like collecting testimony.”

"Yeah, well. There's little evidence left, so we have no choice but to investigate the people around them, and this is not normal either. How many people do you think is just a friend? On top of that, teachers, parents, neighbours, I might’ve to throw away a pair of shoes after the investigation."

"Is there anything special yet?"

"Well, the more I do it, the more likely it is that there was a series of suicides. It's such a strange incident, and I don't know what's going to happen..... Oh, are you guys working now?”

Beckman, who was smacking his lips with a wistful face, turned his head toward Tim and Jude. As soon as Tim, who had guessed what Beckman wanted to say, and about to answer with a smile, Jude, who almost put his pain to rest, raised his hand and shouted.

"I have work! The Coldman case is not over yet!"

Laughing and trying to correct Jude, Tim swallowed his words for a moment. It looks like you're not feeling well, so I don't think you need to volunteer to increase your work. However, it is a big incident, and if it is not resolved quickly, we'll be in the press again. When he hesitated for a moment, the bulky Chief walked out of the inner office and turned his eyes toward them.

"Oh, Jude. Coldman case, it's done well. It ended yesterday, right?

"'d say, rather than, say, closure......"

"Leave it to the rest of the prosecutors, turn to another case. Back up some other detectives."

Without giving Jude a chance to refute anything, the Chief swung around and began walking again. Jude, muttering at the back of the Chief who opened the door and left the police station for some reason, said, "I think the Chief is born with superpowers that make my life miserable."- Soon he turned to the smiling Beckman with a long sigh.

"Yes, you're free, aren't you?"

"......Well, Beckman, these days I'm having a hard time with my personal affairs......"

"Keep your mouth shut and turn the inquisition around. I'll write you a list. Go quickly before the kids' school ends. I'm going to keep moving, too. You guys tell me everything based on the list in order and report it to me."

"Ah, Beckmaaan......."

"Jude, if you think that's cute, I think you'd better go see my 8-year-old daughter to learn more. Stop it, go quickly."

He slapped at Jude's back, who sighed blatantly, and Tim drank half of the coffee that was still left all at once. Looking hopelessly at the list of children Beckman had come up and handed over, and after one more long sigh about his life, the blond detective left the police station with his partner and headed for the elementary school.

*        *        *


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